Up to:
Push combination 5481 tons174m x 11.40m
Push/Tug boat Building year 196315m x 8.40m
Motor freighter 2332 tons | Building year 192792.54m x 11.28m
Push/Tug boat Building year 195422.4m x 5.95m
Pushbarge 2153 tons | Building year 198876.93m x 11m
Motor freighter 2592 tons | Building year 1975110m x 10.06m
Push combination 2120 tons | Building year 197399.99m x 9.50m
Pushbarge 3303 tons | Building year 198190.50m x 11.40m
Push/Tug boat 214 tons | Building year 197023.65m x 8.19m
Motor freighter 1872 tons | Building year 199186.00m x 10.50m
Motor freighter 652 tons | Building year 196561.95m x 6.54m
Motor freighter 1863 tons | Building year 197294.96m x 9.53m
Motor freighter 1230 tons | Building year 193080m x 9.5m
Hopper barge 858 tons | Building year 196160.02m x 7.92m
Motor freighter 1361 tons | Building year 196680.60m x 9m
Sunday is the day when we are free. This day gives us rest and space to thank God for His love to us (John 3:16). Tomorrow, we as GTS team hope to be at your service again.