Steering gear
Hydromarine (hydraulics) / De Waal (rudder)
2x Deck wash pump 380V / 2x mobile bulky waste pumps Homa; 230V
Anchor winches
Front: Double-disc Oil Bath Winch with 2 warping heads, make Wortelboer 380V, with 2 d'Hone anchors and two chains. Rear: Single-disc wire winch, make Tinnemans 380V, with 1 Klip anchor on wire.
Spud pole
Electric/hydraulic sinking 3-piece spud pole, make Leeuwestein; length 10.5 metres, year of construction 2017.
Foremast: hydraulically strikeable; and a vertically strikeable stainless steel radar mast with radar.
Rear mast: hydraulically lowerable, equipped with radar and deck lighting. (required height due to 2nd top light, Zone 2)
Davit: placed on port side on roller shutter 6; manually operated, aluminium.
8 solar panels have been installed on the wheelhouse roof.